Lunch & Nutrition
Lunch & Nutrition
As a service to parents, we are pleased to offer a supervised lunch program for students in Grades 1-6. As per district policy, the school lunch program operates solely through the funds paid by students using the service. The school must recover the costs involved in providing this service. All supplies, staffing, and equipment used in the program are paid for through lunchroom fees. This means that it is very important that lunch fees are paid on time, so that we are able to continue this service.
The lunchroom program operates under the supervision of employed lunchroom workers. Grade 1 - 6 students eat lunch from 11:30 am until 11:55 am. At 12:00 pm, students will go outside to play until 12:15 pm. All students will eat lunch in their own classroom. During inclement weather, students will remain in the school engaged in quiet activities.
We ask that parents send forks and spoons when required.
Please note that eating lunch at school is a privilege and a service to the parents. Each student must protect this privilege by following the lunchroom expectations. The lunchroom supervisors will monitor the behaviour of all students during the lunch period and will provide students with reminders for appropriate choices.